A place for a cynical person to write his cynical petty little thoughts and musings.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Memo To All Staff RE: Holiday Party

To: All Staff

CC: Celebrations Catering

From: Jeff Lundin, Manager of Communications

Date: December 27, 2006

Subject: Holiday Party

Firstly I would like to thank the Human Resources Department on the excellent holiday party on Friday. Kudos to you and your team Frank! Although I had a wonderful and fun filled time, I have had the holiday to think about my behaviour and have some regrets. At this time I would like to apologize for my indiscretions.

Firstly I apologize to Ms. Raye, the President’s Secretary. I realize now that many don’t take being called a dog as a compliment. I want you to know that I merely meant I admire how loyal you are to both the President and to Hauser & Phillius Finance as a whole. You do a great job at keeping everyone organized. You might say you are the company’s “best friend”.

Next, Robert our Director of Information Technology, I am sorry that you took my comment of your having “soft hands, like a woman” the wrong way. I just think that your hygiene regiment is something we should all strive for. Robert, as way of apology I’ll sell you my Elixir of Major Defense for only 40 silver next time we are on World of Warcraft together!

And to Marie, everyone’s favorite girl in accounting, although I am not sorry for slapping you on the behind and panting wildly, I am sorry that you didn’t realize this was a compliment, a sort of physical manifestation saying “You look lovely tonight and that dress suits you quite well.”

Pricilla, our new Client Service Officer, I want to welcome you in your first week with us. Perhaps our first meeting should have been something more formal than my hanging my genitalia over the top of your cubicle and shouting, “Who in the hamster cage wants a drink?” I hope you enjoy your time with us and I wish you all the best in your new position.

I now realize that not everyone celebrates Christmas. Ayaat I now know that your people celebrate a different holiday and do not participate in some our Christmas celebration. Therefore I apologize for throwing the Christmas Tree onto your desk and calling you a “stuck up jackass”. I do hope we can raise a glass of eggnog together and put this ugly episode behind us.

And finally to everyone in the office as well as the good people at Celebrations Catering, who I’ve cc’d on this memo, I apologize for fashioning a pair of pants from the sliced meats and rolling around on the buffet table while asking people to “eat my meat”. By the way wasn’t the cheery cheesecakes they put out delicious? Let’s have them catering all our events. Am I alone on that one?

Again thank you Frank for putting on a great holiday office party. Next year though, maybe it shouldn’t be open bar.


Jen said...

secretary's are ALWAYS oversensitive eh?

Sean said...

And who HASN'T tried the ol' "hamster trick?" Pricilla's just too hard on poor Jeff.....

Sandi Purl said...

sounds like -- hilarity ensued!

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